Monthly Archives: September 2009

Indian Bridal


Indian Bridal

Name the occasion,and lo! it comes with a tag – “Henna“!  Henna decorating is a wonderful art for marking celebrations! Decorating is not specific to one particular religion or ethnicity, and is used for both traditional & non-traditional events.

For Brides, A dark henna stain is said to be a sign of strong love.  Newlywed couple may have long celebrations and wedding feasts to endure before the bride is brought to her husband’s wedding chamber, usually by his female relatives. Once alone, the groom will examine and admire his bride’s henna decorations. By some customs, he may not consummate the marriage until he finds his initials or name in her decorations, which could be anywhere, and could take hours to find. This could be rather frustrating for the poor groom, but lends to much enjoyment for both in the search.

The ritual of mehendi signifies the strength and power of love in a marriage so it is regarded good omen for the would-be bride. It is said that the long the bride retains the mehendi, the more auspicious would be her future.